About Us
IN4Doulas is a movement created by the Indiana Minority Health Coalition in our mission to advocate for the improvement of maternal and infant health outcomes in Indiana. The IMHC has a long history of creating, funding and executing programs that address maternal health disparities for underserved communities and populations to ensure health equity. We firmly believe that the work of IN4Doulas will serve to enhance the quality of life for our most vulnerable families through education, advocacy and legislative effort. The evidence to support the benefits of having a doula throughout pregnancy and postpartum is overwhelmingly favorable to the notion that doulas can provide a meaningful positive impact and leads us to believe that expanding access to doula services is the first step to a healthier and more equitable Indiana.

About Doulas
A doula is a person who is trained to assist a woman during childbirth and who supports the mother and family before and after birth.
Doulas are more than a birthing coach, we are an advocate for moms and families. We facilitate a safe, empowering birth experience, and provide the physical, emotional and educational support for pregnant and parenting moms. As doulas we also impact healthcare costs by reducing costly procedures and ensuring mom is educated on prenatal care, types of delivery and postpartum care. Studies have shown that when a family has the support of an educated, experienced doula Cesarean deliveries are reduced by 40.9%. You can view the study here at The American Journal of Public Health.
Doulas are more than a birthing coach, we are an advocate for moms and families. We facilitate a safe, empowering birth experience, and provide the physical, emotional and educational support for pregnant and parenting moms. As doulas we also impact healthcare costs by reducing costly procedures and ensuring mom is educated on prenatal care, types of delivery and postpartum care. Studies have shown that when a family has the support of an educated, experienced doula Cesarean deliveries are reduced by 40.9%. You can view the study here at The American Journal of Public Health.
Our Events
Indiana for Doulas was honored to host this annual event to unite together doulas, families, and our supporters toward our common goal: to advocate, educate, and influence policy that better integrates doulas into Indiana’s birthing continuum